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Dec. 30, 2018

14: Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

14: Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

You have high hopes for the new year being different than the old year or years. You’re trying to grow and overcome challenges emotionally & spiritually but you have not been able to quite get there. You have hope. You believe it’s possible but you have doubt. What if it doesn’t work again?

Something keeps tripping you up and you’re frustrated. You can’t quite put your finger on it. Is it possible you’ve been marinating in poison from your past? Is it possible you’ve been holding onto something painful that someone has done to you?

Today, I’m going to share what I believe is the number one reason people are not able to break through in critical areas of life. Holding onto past hurt, offenses, or grudges is doing NOTHING to the person or people who hurt you BUT is causing YOU damage every single moment of your life.

Like a ball and chain, it weighs you down and keeps you stuck, not to mention the extreme wear & tear on your mind, emotions and spirit.

On today’s show I will share with you exactly how to release yourself from this bondage so you can achieve the peace and freedom you’ve desperately been wanting.

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