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Jan. 18, 2019

#17: People Pleasing

#17: People Pleasing


Do you ever struggle with filtering yourself in fear of what others will think of you, your words, or your gift? Do you ever think to yourself, “What will so and so think about this?”

If you ever hold back in fear of how you will be received by a given person, today is for you.

In this new series called Friday Fire, part of The Instigation Nation Podcast, I will bring you short messages of inspiration born from my own struggles or those I witness. These messages are full Instigator-style, straight-forward and pull no punches. They will also not be “weekly scheduled” releases at this time but when the inspiration hits me, I will give it to you, as only I can… raw, true and rooted in love.

As with all the Instigation Nation episodes, these are meant for your soul’s freedom.

Much love,


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